How Do You Create Engaging Content?

You must have noticed and observed that the marketing competition on social media has risen at a frantic pace?

Many sector leaders and experts have predicted that 80% of the consumer internet traffic will be video traffic in 2019. Brands are in constant search of distinguishable content to stand out from the crowd, and engaging video content gives you a way to be Thumb-stoppingly good.

This article has been created to give you a few tips to increase the quality of your video content and to make your online community stop scrolling through their newsfeeds and engage with your content! 

Here Are Some Tips and Tricks To Create Engaging Video Content:

Are you wondering how to craft a video with relevant and engaging content? This question can baffle the most enlightened social media guru so here are some ideas to help you to move forward with creating your own purposeful video content. 

  • Be clear-headed about your idea, product or service that you are showcasing. You must know who your potential customer is, so think about creating your video content to appeal to them. What age group will your brand inspire more? How’s your brand potentially different from other brands? Also, mention how your product will cater to the unaddressed needs of the consumer and who you created the idea, product or service for. For example, if your product is designed to create an easier living situation for an elderly person then include them in the video! and make sure you use language they will recognise. 
  • Keep the content precise and brief approximately around 10-15 minutes for an explainer video and a maximum of 5 minutes for use within your social media feeds. Generally, people only listen to information in a short amount of time on social media. This is because social media trains us to want to absorb new content at an incredibly fast pace. 
  • A key point to remember is: Just be original. You can look and research ideas and techniques to promote your brand, but copying someone else’s style would probably bring backlash rather than acceptance & brand recognition. Keep experimenting with ideas. Remember, your originality will be what sells your idea, service or product on social media!
  • Keep the content simple yet fun to watch. An element of fun always attracts customers and adds value to your content. Have a little fun live Q/A session with the audience and avoid jargon! 
  • Give people some sneak peek into the backstory of your brand. Where did you derive the idea from? Basically, the start-up story. You have probably heard the idea that people buy from people, and it is true! 

Video content marketing has no magical formula to grasp the attention of the consumer. It’s a constant process of learning and unlearning based upon your customer’s likes & preferences.

To thrive in a competitive market, a brand needs to focus on the quality and captivation of its content.

There are many other ways to help to increase the engagement and purposefulness of your video content, if you would like to have a chat about how R K Virtual Assistance can support you in this then please get in contact!

Here is a great article with some further tips about how to create memorable video content!

Engaging Video Content - What Is Stopping You?

Engaging Video Content – What Is Stopping You?

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