In today’s digital world, people engage with video content more than text or images…

Alongside this trend of increased engagement within video content, Social Media has made marketing easy, yet competitive, to reach a wider number of individuals. Gone are the days when you needed to go to a specific event to market your idea, brand or product. With the platform of social media, you can reach every nook and corner of the world. It is amazing really, isn’t it? 

But to grab your consumer’s attention, you have to be creative with the content. Moreover, if the content isn’t interactive and engaging, the consumer will overlook it. It needs to be thumb-stoppingly good, and it needs to make them want to know more! Video content has more appeal in the online market rather than text. Hence, presenting your content in the form of a video is a great option. Your ability to adapt to the ever-changing world of social media is important! 

How Important Is Social Media Marketing in 2019?

Statistics show that there are 3.48 billion active social media users of at least one social media platform, and this number is growing and will increase throughout 2019.* With so many customers at your fingertips, how can you not utilise social media marketing for your idea or brand?

91% of adults, aged between 18-34, usually follow a brand through social media.** They also prefer to communicate with them through these platforms as it is deemed easier and more human in its approach. Therefore, social media is now a great way to prompt customer service, reach a larger audience, in a more time constructive way.  

Social media gives you access to alluring shopping brands and restaurant franchises, Celebrity worlds, and lives that you can aspire to.  Furthermore, online websites save a consumer from the fatigue of going to the shop and look for their required item. (How often have you shopped from the comfort of your sofa still in your pjs? I know i have…) 

Hence, to promote your business worldwide you need to create an effective social media marketing strategy that will allow you to stand out within your audience’s news feeds.

Video content is an amazing way to do this! But don’t just take my word for it, here is why adding video content is an effective Social Media Marketing Strategy!

Generally, video content is more captivating than any written text or product description. How often have you watched someone create something or cook a meal instead of reading instructions or followed a recipe? 

In a survey, it was noticed that 90% of social media marketing was done through video content. Video content adds an engaging element to grab consumer’s attention via social media marketing. It has that thumb-stopping value that people are looking for. 

Here are a few reasons why adding video content into your promotional strategy is effective – 

  • Conversion rates and sales, both tend to increase due to visual representation and description of the product or brand. People see your product, get inspired and add to their cart! This has also been incredibly useful in nudging individuals to make that first contact. It also encourages individuals to send that first contact email.
  • Seeing is Believing! We now live in a world where social proof is incredibly important. A promotional video is essential to attempt to overcome their fears and doubts. The individual can then see that they can trust your claim and your product. To make them a returning buyer, try to be innovative with the video content. Your main goal is to stand out amongst the crowd but always be honest. Honesty and transparency is something that every buyer now looks for. It is especially important when interacting with a brand or business on a social media platform. In fact, your audience will support and become brand advocates for your content too if they believe in your product, service, and culture! (Passive advertising at its best!)
  • A video on your website also helps to elevate your rank within the Google search engine. It is an SEO ranking booster! People tend to spend more time on a website if they are watching a video and thereby gives your website an added advantage of greater dwell time.
  • Statistics prove that 83% of the businesses claimed that video content earned them a good Return on Investment (ROI).*** Hence, if you are still not sure whether investing in a video would be profitable or not, here’s the answer. This is a great way to get a large return from your investment. 

Video content can also encompass how-to’s or customer reviews, which allow the buyer to get more insight into your product or service.    

Thinking of launching an idea, product or a brand?

Don’t forget to allocate some budget for crafting innovative video content to present your product or service so that it stands out in the world of social media and within your sector!

Connect with R K Virtual Assistance today to talk about how you can incorporate video content into your social media strategy! You will not be disappointed.

The Importance of Video Content

Sources to support the article and to find out more!




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