Business has always been social; the major difference in today’s environment is the breadth of touch points that we have with our customers. In some respects, this is a double-edged sword. Get it right, and your customers will go out of their way to sing your praises, get it wrong and they have the power to negatively impact a multitude of revenue streams.

It is equally as important how we communicate as what we communicate. RKVA advises their clients on which platforms provide the greatest impact for the specific messages they want to convey. By creating and channelling their content through the most appropriate mediums, our clients can move away from simply amassing a great wealth of ‘likes’ and ‘followers’ and focus more intently on bottom line growth from each channel.

  • Social strategy and execution
  • Platform management
  • Copy writing
  • Social marketing

Being perceived as responsive to customers is no longer just a ‘nice to have’; it stopped being that a long time ago. Your customers have the means to be heard, and it is our job to ensure that you are in a position to listen and to respond accordingly. RKVA assists clients in taking control of the internal and external messages that concern their business; whether this is through thought-provoking ‘blog’ content, responding to positive or challenging social feedback or maintaining an active newsletter; there are multiple options available. Ultimately, each option ensures all of your customers feel happy with their outcomes and pleased to engage with your organisation.

RKVA welcomes a chat with anybody who wants to get to grips with their social presence and to move into a space where their social brand works for them. Contact us now about how to let our expertise give your business a social lift-off.

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